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Find most affordable no license car insurance policy online now

Many people may wonder if it is possible to get car insurance with no driver license. Remember, in the U.S., it could be difficult to obtain auto insurance policies in the absence of valid driver license. Nevertheless, there could be certain situations wherein your driver’s license may be suspended. In such circumstances, you need to secure no license auto insurance policy. Get Quotes Fast, Easy & Secure, Get Started with Low Rates.

  • Secure no claims discount up to 50%.
  • Get 10% off by buying coverage online.
  • 24/7 post accident car repair approvals.
  • 24/7 accident and recovery services

Can you get car insurance with no license? Just find out online

Getting auto insurance no license cover seems like a crapshoot as not many insurers could be willing to insure unlicensed drivers but some people do manage to get such policies. Insurance providers themselves might not be aware that few of their policyholders are unlicensed drivers. There are loopholes within the system that permit drivers to purchase vehicle insurance covers despite not having valid driver’s license. The 3 common loopholes are:

  • States like Texas allow drivers, who have no license, to purchase auto insurance policies just to keep their car registrations current so that motorists don’t have to re-register their vehicles after they get driver license.
  • Elderly drivers can buy car insurance no license covers for health reasons like impaired vision if they have car titles in their names and listed as primary drivers in their car policies.
  • Drivers, whose driver license has been revoked following DWI or DUI conviction, may want to keep their car insurance covers active for financial reasons or maintaining continuity discount.

States like Oregon, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Montana have now started cracking the whip on unlicensed drivers. As per figures released by Oregon Department of Transportation, the annual percentages of unlicensed drivers involved in accidents for the following years are:

  • 2007 -- 4.4 percent
  • 2008 -- 3.7 percent
  • 2009 -- 4.1 percent
  • 2010 -- 3.4 percent

Explore top 4 reasons for getting car insurance with no license

There could be some situations in which you may need to get auto insurance with no license. These are as follows:

  • Having Personal Driver - If you are a disabled or an elderly person who needs driver for driving your vehicle, you can think of purchasing car Insurance with no license.
  • Under Judgement Order - You could consider buying vehicle insurance cover if you have been caught driving a car without driver license and judge has ordered you to do so.
  • Suspended Driver License - If your license has been suspended for any reason, you may need to get a car insurance for suspended license but premium will be higher.
  • Improving Driving Record – People with valid driver’s license can get auto insurance policy without license for bettering their driving records so that they can qualify for lower premiums.

Buy car insurance without license and secure essential coverage

Nowadays it is possible to find companies which provide full coverage car insurance with no license to drivers. By securing such a policy, you can protect your car from physical damages even if you are not driving it because your driver’s license has been suspended. We can help you to locate an insurer that offers you the cheapest car coverage for suspended license.

At Baddrivingcarinsurance, we can teach you how to get car insurance with no license at the lowest premium faster and easier. To know more about our specialist services, apply online now!

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